How we interact with the world around us
Napoleon Sports & Casino is a responsible and ethical company
Responsible online entertainment is our absolute priority. Our online games and bets are a source of amusement and entertainment for the players. And we absolutely want to keep it that way. That is why we make every effort to create a safe and responsible gaming environment that complies with the most rigorous standards. We have put in place different systems to maximally inform and protect players. We have special teams who use state-of-the-art AI technology to maximally protect players and ensure they play within their limits at all times. Our teams receive special training to immediately intervene if a player shows signs of irresponsible gaming behaviour and, if necessary, prevent the player from further participation.
Napoleon Sports & Casino works constructively, and in all transparency, with the regulatory authorities and with other companies in our sector. We combat any form of illegal gambling or betting. Online games and bets should be exciting and entertaining, but should not cause any harm to players.
Innovative & data driven
As the market leader in Belgium, our aim is to constantly expand and innovate our product offering. Innovation is central at Napoleon Sports & Casino. We always reconcile innovation with safety, each new solution is also extensively tested prior to its market launch. Player protection is a key requirement for each new product.
We use our data and technology to protect players even better. NS&C has access to numerous data and analytical tools to monitor the activities on our online platforms. We use our data not only operationally but also to preventively and proactively monitor problem behaviour. For example, data and analytical tools assist our players in identifying their player profile, managing their risks and expenditure, and restricting their activities if necessary.
We want to develop, in a safe and responsible manner, into a leading provider of sustainable e-entertainment.
Locally embedded with a driven team
We are a 100 percent Belgian company with strong local roots. Through job creation and the fiscal framework within which we operate, we also provide substantial added value to the Belgian economy. Also the ambassadors with whom we work and our partners are local businesses and persons.
We create jobs for a wide variety of profiles. For the operational rollout of its activities, NS&C can count on a young and diverse team of local talents and young professionals from a broad range of disciplines and backgrounds. As a Belgian company with mainly Belgian employees, we are also in very close contact with our players.
Our 180 employees are the driving force behind Napoleon Sports & Casino. Napoleon Sports & Casino is a fast-growing company in a rapidly evolving sector. What all our employees have in common is their drive to lead the way in this transformation.
We take a constructive approach and are open to dialogue
The regulation of the Belgian entertainment sector is in constant evolution. We want to profile ourselves as a constructive partner who not only assumes its own responsibility, but also engages in a fully transparent dialogue with regulatory authorities, academics and other companies from our sector, in order to jointly look for the best possible player protection. Fun, passion and excitement are built into the DNA of NS&C. That is why, as a 100 percent Belgian company, we are proud to have a number of partnerships in football and cycling, by far the two most popular sports in Belgium. Through these partnerships we aim to disseminate our values on responsible gaming and raise the awareness of players.