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Napoleon defends advertising as essential tool for players’ protection

Date: 12 May 2023

For Napoleon, protecting players is a top priority. Advertising is essential to inform players about licensed operators and guide them to a safe gaming environment. The advertising ban, determined in the Royal Degree of February 27th 2023 makes this protection impossible. It also straightens illegal operators and this advertising ban promotes the National Lottery’s market position and prevents a level playing field. Read the full press article below.


EREMBODEGEM – 12 May 2023 – Napoleon, a leading player in the Belgian online entertainment industry, is requesting the suspension and annulment of the royal decree determining the further rules on gambling advertising of 27 February 2023. The RD wants to curb gambling advertising from 1 July 2023. Napoleon stresses the importance of a clear framework that protects and guides players to a safe and controlled gaming environment. The company has therefore initiated several proceedings against the RD as it believes that advertising from legal operators plays a crucial role in informing and protecting players.

For Napoleon, protecting players is a top priority. Therefore, Napoleon has long been calling for the legislative framework for gambling advertising to be modernised. At the same time, it is convinced that the proposed advertising ban, as contained in the RD, will backfire on player protection. The RD, which contains an almost complete ban on gambling advertising, will expose players to illegal operators without control mechanisms and protection measures.

“Advertising is essential to inform players about licensed operators and guide them to a safe gaming environment offered only by licensed, legal and monitored operators. Not only do we say that, but the experts of the Gambling Commission think so too. After all, players can only be protected if they end up on the offer of licensed operators where there are control mechanisms and safety nets for players who display potentially problematic behaviour. Some form of advertising is therefore essential for us to make this controlled offer known to the general public. The far-reaching RD makes this crucial step impossible and seriously jeopardises player protection in that manner.” says Executive Director Tom De Clercq.

A recent study conducted by Professor Xavier Noël (Free University of Brussels) and Gaëtan Devos (Catholic University of Louvain) on behalf of the Gaming Commission shows the importance that licensed operators play in the context of player protection. Indeed, they operate an electronic control system (EPIS) that denies persons access to casinos, slot machine halls, online gambling and betting, which illegal operators and the National Lottery do not.

“The survey shows that three quarters of players state that they did not play after their request for exclusion. But a quarter of them do continue their activities, mainly through illegal websites or the National Lottery. That raises questions,” says Tom De Clercq.

Advertising ban strengthens illegal operators

Napoleon stresses that it handles ethical advertising. The advertising and communication ban just makes it impossible to direct players to safe and recognised operators. Examples from abroad, such as Italy and Spain, where advertising and sponsorship were banned in 2019, show concretely what the dangers are of an advertising ban. For example, since the introduction of a total ban in Italy, the illegal sector grew by as much as 50%.

“Illegal websites don’t abide by the rules. They do not offer a safe, protected environment nor do they pay taxes, so they also contribute nothing to the community unlike licensed and Belgian-based operators such as Napoleon.” says Tom De Clercq.

Double standards

According to Napoleon, with this advertising ban, the government is leaving the largest gaming operator, which is also the largest advertiser, namely the National Lottery, virtually untouched. Although player protection should enjoy absolute priority, one cannot rid oneself of the impression that the recent RD seems to focus more on promoting the market position of the public operator. Thus, there is no level playing field at all for the National Lottery and the private operators and they seem to be operating with a double standard.

“Where Lotto-Dstny can safely continue to be sponsored by the National Lottery, other cycling teams or sports clubs sponsored by private licensed operators have to look for another sponsor. This is not only disproportionate, it is simply discrimination. Jannie Haek herself recently admitted that National Lottery scratch cards carry a high risk of addiction. No game of chance is without risk, regardless of whether it is a private provider or the National Lottery. This is no longer about player protection. In addition, we are supported in this point of view by a ruling of the European Court which says that ‘social contribution should not serve as a criterion to justify a state monopoly.’ This is the case with the Royal Decree.” said Tom De Clercq.

About Napoleon

Excitement and entertainment in a safe, protected environment. That’s what Napoleon stands for. As a Belgian market leader in online entertainment and a company with strong local roots, Napoleon takes full responsibility for sustainable entertainment, both online and in its land-based casinos and arcades across Belgium. Napoleon runs the Grand Casino in Knokke and operates 23 arcades and 2 betting shops across Belgium. The Napoleon Group is established more than 40 years ago and now employs 400 employees. Napoleon is headquartered in Erembodegem near Aalst.


Contact Napoleon Sports & Casino

Laurent Fierens Gevaert – Media Relations – [email protected]

"The survey shows that three quarters of players state that they did not play after their request for exclusion. But a quarter of them do continue their activities, mainly through illegal websites or the National Lottery. That raises questions," says Tom De Clercq.

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